heRe anD thErE...

Don't even ask me why... I know I've been absent from my own blog for the past few months... I gotta admit... I'm currently slacking on my own blog... unbelievable but its true. For what reasons, I'm not going to reveal it as I know it would be just excuses for me to continue slacking. But for people who knows what I do for a living... they might have some ideas and YOU THERE!!! I'm talking serious stuff here... I'm a legitimate white collar worker... nothing else and nothing more. ^^

The reason I'm writing this entry is... hmmm... how should I put it... instinct? Well, I didn't even know it either. Anyway... have you seen the news recently? Sure... there is a lot of things happening in our world right now... but I would like to just zoom into a few incidents which is closely related to my field of work. Accidents in shopping malls.

To me, seeing these kind of incidents happening is surreal. I mean... come on danger is everywhere and if we don't take precautions, the Grim Reaper is going to knock on your door anytime.

The first incident was in KB Mall... having a car upside down (like a turtle) in the center of the mall kind of freaks me out. How the heck did that kind of thing happen in the mall? Well, it seems that some people can't start their car and he got a 17 year old (as mention in the news) to get behind the wheel (which I think is quite stupid and by the way it is illegal) while the legitimate driver trying to push the car from behind in an attempt to jump start the car. What happen after that... only the people in the time of the incident knows. If you didn't get the picture... well... let's just say it NASA style shall we... "KB Mall... we have a problem"... ><"... Two innocent person died in the incident and what I can tell you is (based from all those reports in the newspapers) neither of them is the driver. It was two young innocent girls that got in the way of the falling car... 54 meters from the top to the bottom... the rest... I'll leave it up to your imagination.

Barely a few weeks apart, another incident happens. But this time it happened in a mall that is not fully operational... yet... and the "winner" is AEON JUSCO Melaka. This time it is not a car finding itself upside down in the center of the mall. But rather a "BIG BANG". Not so sure about the details... but according to the news... it was due to gas leaking in one of the outlets and renovations was still on-going. What do you expect? Guess the contractors are hurt pretty badly here. But there'zs no idea who was negligent in this case... ><"

Well... from the amount of 'small' incidents that I've seen along the days and months and years of my working timeline in a shopping complex... by far... these two incidents are among the more major ones. I wonder how is the insurance company going to compensate the people involved in these incidents... hmmm... no idea. But I guess its gonna be a pain in the ass after all... \^^/... plus this should a warning to all those contractors and those impatient tenants (plus the mall management as well).

Thank god that nothing serious has happenned so far in my working place... hope it stays the same... since the company I work with has a very, very strict Fit-Out Asst. Manager after all.

Peace Out ~~


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