
Showing posts from 2008

a fOuR leGGed addiTion tO thE laNdLady's fAmiLy...

mY cuRRenT addiCtiOn...

i waiTed onE anD a haLf houRs foR thiS...

thE verY 'yenG' niNtenDo dS...

ASIMO... whAt a cOOl roBOt...

omG... facEbooK anTheM...

i'M eaTinG iN thE toiLet...

i liKe naTioN waR... thE coStumE... i meaN...

mY liTTle arMy oF teDDy beArs... ^^

oMg... luCky i'M noT thAt aDDiCteD yeT...

sO... whAt iS yoUr sTanD...

neW gamE... yeAh...

toYoTa sPrinTer tRUenO aE86 1983 (taKuMi fuJiWarA)...

cuTe daNcinG doLLs... ^^

pReciOuS pePe...

gaChapOn onE pieCe... noT coMpleTeD...

fiRsT tiMe maKe-Up unTiL likE tHis...

gaChaPon keRoRo gunSou... cOmplEtEd...

gaChaPon paNgYa... cOmplEtEd...

woRld heRitAge lisTinG... hooRay...

oNe oF mY 9 liVeS sPeNt iN pAngYa...

beSt woRkiNg tiMe iN mY liFe...

thE mOmenT oF mY liFe...

oNe oF mY 9 liVeS sPenT iN caBaL...

beSt iN meLakA... fOr suRe...