a giFt oF liFe...

I'd still remember very vividly when my mom told me that my cousin sister have just give birth to a baby girl in 2009... a year later... my cousin brother had a baby boy. Now... a year later... it is my turn... and its a baby girl.

Yes... I'm pregnant and currently awaiting anxiously for the arrival of my little one... albeit this is a little too fast for me and my hubby... but still it is a gift of life.

For the past few months... I have been reading books about pregnancy and baby care... as well as looking for baby stuffs... such as their milk bottles, pacifiers, play pen... and the list just go on and on.

For starters and a first time mother-to-be... I didn't know there are so many different types of pacifiers for different months! And their baby milk bottles too! Plus, her daddy was aiming at the Ferrari baby stroller and a full suit of Manchester United baby clothes at Mothercare... I think he is trying to convert her daughter to a be 'Reds' fan like he is.

Anyways, the day for my little baby girl to see world is coming soon. Mummy and Daddy is anxiously awaiting for your arrival! (",)

Peace Out ~~


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