hoMelEss maN wiTh a goLdeN voiCe...

Remember the awesome voice in trailers that makes you like... "Wow... the voice is awesome!". It's no other than Mr. Donald Leroy "Don" LaFontaine. Remember? If you can't... just look for the any movies that you can recall around 2008 and before that. Then you'll remember... 

I remember him during my secondary days when I was still listen to the "Rick Dees Weekly Top 40" on radio... and whenever he comes on air for a few seconds... it is enough to make my ears ringing with his voice. But the legend... pass on to the other side on 01 September 2008... which sadly... no one notice it. We have lost an amazing voice ever since then. I miss his voice so much... and I knew watching movie trailers will never be the same again.

However... 3 years later... a homeless guy by the name of Ted Williams... have just take the spotlight left unfilled   after Don's passing on. When I first saw the news... I was taken aback... is this guy for real? Soon... the answer was reveal... his voice... is amazing!

Will he be able to fill up the shoes left empty by Don? Let's cross our fingers and wait for his amazing voice to take over the movie trailers soon!

Peace Out ~~ 


The Present said…
Hi Kitty,

Wow!~ His voice is really amazing...when i first heard of his voice, the fist thought that came across my mind is that he has a "classic" Dj voice!~
keishin said…
Yup... I feel the same when I heard his voice. But let's hope now that he can stay out of trouble.

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