iT's noT thAt siMplE... bY tiGer huAnG...

I was introduced to this song by my cousin brother and mother when I went back to Melaka for a short get away from my work load in office. Initially, I was thinking... am I getting old? Nah... I don't deny the fact that I'm getting old... as the more you try to avoid that... the more old you'll get. Well... that's me... I don;t know about other... since some of my colleague prefer the term 'wiser'. >.<"

Anyhow... this is a nice song. For those that couldn't read chinese... you can follow find this video in youtube with the direct translation. After a few round playing this song back to back... it actually sound very nice... and catchy too. Moreover... if you understand the lyrics... you'll cry to it... 

Enjoy the song... but of course... not by crying to it... >.<"

Peace Out ~~


Hee said…
Tiger Huang will be coming to Penang on 10th Sept!
check this out

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