fRoM thE gaMe tO thE biG scReeNs...
Resident Evil... one of the many game titles which have evolved from time and through consoles. To top it all off, it has even made it to the big screens... but the story line of the movie was totally way out from the game story line (if you are an avid fan of Resident Evil... you'll know what I mean).
However, in Resident Evil : Afterlife... I notice some of the zombies are directly extracted from the game... Resident Evil 5 (even the big bad arse that is holding the big fat axe is from the Resident Evil 5... if I'm not mistake... the first boss).
Also one of the zombies with the most sickening, ugliest and disgusting tongue is also extracted from the game (hmmm... now I wonder... how does these guys french kiss with their partners... very interesting... but one thing for sure... I won't stay around to find out but... instead I will chop his head off).
Well... if ask me if the movie is good... I don't have any idea on this since I have yet to watch the movie yet. But I heard a lot of complains from my friends that the 'monsters' (I guess that is how they labelled it)... is very disgusting. Hmmm... I guess I should chain them to the seat... lock them in a room without any lights... and tell them to finish off the game without peeing in their pants.
Maybe I'll drop by the cinema to see if it still showing... if it is still showing... the only question now is 3D or no 3D? If it's no longer showing... I'll just shoot myself in the head... just kidding... (",)
Peace Out ~~