
Showing posts from 2009

thE rOOt oF mY gaMinG haBitS...

heRe anD thErE...

baCk tO thE gOOd olD daYs...

tHinGs tHat maKeS mE gO weAk...

iT's fiNaLLy heRe!!! hOOraY \^^/

tHe pASSing oF a leGenD...

beSt oF boTh woRldS...

mY nexT aDDictiOn... dRaGoniCA...

rEsPeCt seNioR ciTizEn... oR eLse...

cHaotiC niGht...

aNg cHo mEE suAh... ^^

cOOl muSiC...

vAlenTinE's dAy... maPle stOry stYle...

rEuNiOn luNch... ^^

fuNNy gamEshoW... iN jaPan...

meRRy cHrisTmAs... i KnoW iT's a biT laTe...