awEsomE moVie... fuNNy tOO...
I first saw this movie in the bus during our trip to Club Med Cherating... it was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing. But too bad... we can't finish the movie due to bad quality of the disc (no thanks to some piracy of course).
Since it was a good movie... I don't regret buying it. When I watch the movie (again) with my bf... he was drinking water... and it was the part where 'The Rock' & Samuel L. Jackson made the 'stupid' jump to the bushes (which I didn't even see it in the movies...) he nearly choke on it due to comedic death (well... jumping from 20 stories high building and end up with a 'splat'... some super cop... yeah).
But the part I like the most... is the bully part. Wisdom and logic thinking wins hands down. The way Allen Gamble (Will Ferrell) talked back to his colleague, Terry Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg)... is just so epic.
But what I like about this movie is how Terry Hoitz (Mark Walhberg) keep on saying "I'm a peacock! You gotta let me fly!". Umm... does peacock even flies? But this movie isn't about those stupid and funny jokes you see along the way (I only notice only iPhone and the Toyota Prius... any more? I can't really remember...), but it is actually talking about the largest Ponzi Scheme in history... conducted by a single person... Bernie Madoff. If you are not familiar with who and what is that I'm talking about, feel free to click on the link I've provided at their name... you'll see it.
But anyway... this is a comedy (with a little bit of seriousness at the background... if you did a few digging on your own to understand more of the movie) you MUST watch.
Peace Out ~~